
Between the 21st of October and 8th of December 2015,  the Smolna Center for Entrepreneurship advisory program will be implemented for the people planning to open their own businesses and young companies entitled "The Academy of Entrepreneurship". The program will be conducted by experts of the INVESTIN Group.

The program will be organized into group workshops (preparing topics: corporate strategy, business model creation, product management and brands), individual couching and counseling on law and accounting. The aim of the Academy of Entrepreneurship is to increase the competence of young companies, as well as, those planning to open new businesses and to expand the services provided by the Smolna Center for Entrepreneurship. Those interested in participating in the Academy of Entrepreneurship should send a completed application form to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Recruitment continues until 21st of October 2015.

A detailed program will be available soon on the company website and facebook profile:  and

For further information  please contact Mariusz Stryżko at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on the  phone number (+48) 795 139 177.

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On the 16th-22nd  of November 2015, Global Entrepreneurship Week will be held in which INVESTIN Group, as a Partner of the event, will organize on the 17th of November a free course entitled "The Academy of Commercialization - legal aspects of the transfer of new technologies."

Global Entrepreneurship Week is an international project to promote conscious development, active attitude toward life and undertaking business initiatives. This annual event started in 2008 and now takes place in 143 countries around the world, including Poland. Every November, organizations and companies who wish to train entrepreneurs organize free training courses, workshops, debates and competitions to impart necessary skills and knowledge for starting or expanding your own business, networking, creating start-ups, negotiating with the employer or building your own brand.

On the 17th of November at 10am-2pm, INVESTIN Group is organizing a free training course entitled "The Academy of Commercialization - legal aspects of the transfer of new technologies", prefiguring the second edition of the Warsaw Academy of Commercialization. Training will be held at the Smolna Center for Entrepreneurship in Warsaw and will be led by Ms. Aleksandra Pioro, Attorney.

The Academy of Commercialization is a first on the Polish market comprehensive series of training workshops dedicated to the commercialization of advanced technologies. The full cycle includes eight thematic sections and will take place in Warsaw between the 24th of November and the 11th of December 2015. Details and an application form are available on


vwwwW dniach 27-28 października 2015 r. w Centrum Przedsiębiorczości Smolna w Warszawie odbędą się warsztaty pt.: "Transfer i komercjalizacja innowacyjnych technologii i projektów". Zapisy trwają do 10 października. Zapraszamy!

Celem warsztatu jest przekazanie jego uczestnikom niezbędnej wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie aspektów prawnych procesu transferu innowacyjnych technologii i projektów. Warsztaty poprowadzić doktor nauk prawnych oraz radca prawny Małgorzata Wilińska.

Do udziału w warsztatach zapraszamy:

  • pracowników uczelni i jednostek badawczych
  • pracowników przedsiębiorstw i firm, które tworzą, testują oraz opracowują nowe technologie
  • przedstawicieli administracji publicznej
  • prawników oraz radców prawnych

Warsztaty przeprowadzone będą w formie wykładów i ćwiczeń, przy aktywnym zaangażowaniu uczestników. Wszystkie ćwiczenia prowadzone są na podstawie przykładów zaczerpniętych z praktyki (tzw. case studies) zgodnych z doświadczeniem prowadzącego i Grupy INVESTIN.

Zachęcamy do zapoznania się ze szczegółami oraz przesyłania wypełnionych formularzy zgłoszeniowych na adres This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Between the 21th of October and the 4th of November, the Regional Center for Entrepreneurship in Lodz will host the second edition of the Commercialization  Academy - the first on the Polish market series of comprehensive training workshops dedicated to the commercialization of technology. The event is co-organized by Lodz Regional Development Agency.

Commercialization Academy is a program of training courses and workshops that teaches comprehensive knowledge, tools and skills to companies, institutions and individual consumers. The program consists of eight thematic blocks. It is possible to attend one, several or all of the blocks.

BLOCK 1: 21th of October - commercial potential of the project
• Generating deal flow of innovative projects for your own needs
• Evaluation of the potential commercial projects and results of R&D
• Tools and processes useful in the preparation of projects for investment

Lecturer: Bartosz Boniecki

BLOCK 2: October 23 – Laws regarding the commercialization
• Direct and Indirect Commercialization - legal practices
• The practical significance of the most common terms and clauses
• Commercialization Paths, the most interesting case studies from the Polish market

Hosted by Alexandra Pioro

BLOCK 3: October 26 – Investments in R&D and Taxes
• Investments in intangible assets in the context of expenditure on R&D
• Mutual settlements between parties involved in the commercialization
• Tax breaks for new technologies - the practice, the risks and the consequences

Lecturer: Marek Zimoch

BLOCK 4: October 27 - Intellectual and Industrial Property
• The selection criteria for intellectual property protection strategy
• Researching the ability and purity of the patent, Freedom-to-Operate analysis
• International patenting processes on selected examples

Leading Sylwia Oleksiewicz

BLOCK 5: October 29 - Financing Innovation
• Models of financing, investor relations  and the mechanism of rounds of capital
• Public funding of technology commercialization
• The optimum selection strategy for funding sources

Lecturer: Wojciech Szapiel

BLOCK 6: October 30 - Technology and its Applications
• Phases of technology development in the context of capital needs
• Technology Vs. possible markets Vs. available markets Vs. development strategy
• Examples of scalable technology. Scaling Methodologies

Lecturer: Tomasz Cisek

BLOCK 7: November 2 - Development of the technology business
• Building a network of strategic partners and customers
• Evaluation and development of technology marketing opportunities
• Entering the international market with a technological product

Lecturer: Marcin Leszczyłowski

BLOCK 8: November 4 - Innovation Management
• Milestones in the commercialization process of technological projects
• Why you should not be afraid of the risks and failures in the process of commercialization?
• Success Factors and practical methods of risk assessment

Lecturer: Tomasz Cisek

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details on and to send completed application forms.

The participation in the workshops depends on the order of applications.

Katarzyna Michalska: +48 606 245 499



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On the 28th and 29th of September 2015 in Lodz an Eighth European Economic Forum will take place. INVESTIN Group, as a Contents Partner of the event, will organize a Commercialization Academy workshop on the legal aspects of the transfer of new technologies.

European Economic Forum is a cyclical event, organized in the Lodz Region for the 8th time, this year in cooperation with the Lodz Regional Development Agency. The design of this event remains unchanged - European Economic Forum is a place for meeting and exchange of thoughts for the owners of small, medium and large Polish companies. The Forum’s motto is to promote the latest developments, inventions and the best business practices. The slogan for this year's edition is: "Challenges of Europe - economy, money, business".

On the second day of the Forum between 10am and 5pm, a Commercialization Academy workshop will be held on the legal aspects of the transfer of new technologies. The main speaker will be Aleksandra Pioro. INVESTIN Group is a partner of the event and founder of the Academy of Commercialization, the first on the Polish market series of comprehensive training workshops dedicated to the commercialization of technology. The full cycle includes eight thematic sections and will take place in Lodz from the 21th of October to the 4th of November 2015. More information shall be available shortly on


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