akredytacja oi mrWith great pleasure, We announce that on the 30 of August 2016 the Ministry of Development approved the INVESTIN Group accreditation as an Innovation Centre, acknowledging the pro-innovation services for small and medium-sized enterprises that We provide.

The accreditation system has been prepared, among others, for the purposes of 2.3.1 sub-measure of the "Pro-innovative IOB services for SMEs" Intelligent Development Programme, implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Its framework will support pro-innovation advisory services reported by entrepreneurs, but only if they are provided by an accredited innovation centre. According to the rules of recruitment, accreditation is granted for two years.

With its the advisory services, INVESTIN Group supports companies, universities, research institutes and institutions connected to the innovation, R&D, technology transfer and commercialization domain. Our assistance brings significant added value for the strategic development processes.

We offer to help with the implementation of projects financed from both domestic and foreign funds.

Additional information can be found here: https://www.mr.gov.pl/strony/aktualnosci/zakonczenie-oceny-wnioskow-o-akredytacje-osrodkow-innowacji-swiadczacych-uslugi-proinnowacyjne/


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